Atlantic Canada's Top Employers (2025) - Flipbook - Page 13
(3) Health, Financial & Family
Benefits; (4) Vacation & Time Off;
(5) Employee Communications;
(6) Performance Management; (7)
Training & Skills Development; and
(8) Community Involvement.
While the underlying criteria
have remained
consistent since the
project’s inception,
areas of review have
expanded and evolved
with the advent of new
programs and policies.
Examples include
workplace safety,
hybrid and remote work
options, and health and
Now in its 16th year,
Atlantic Canada’s Top
Employers stand out
by prioritizing the
well-being of their employees and
having a hands-on impact within
the local regions where they operate. Detailed reasons for selection
can be found on the competition’s
website, explaining why each of
the winners was chosen:
– Sonja Verpoort
ny employer with its head
office or principal place of
business in New Brunswick,
P.E.I., Nova Scotia or Newfoundland
and Labrador may apply for the
Atlantic Canada’s Top Employers
competition. With a population
of over 2.6 million (an
increase of 66,000
people compared to
the previous year) and
a surge in the number
of available jobs well
above the national
average, the labour
market in Atlantic
Canada has maintained
its post-pandemic
momentum. In order
for employers in this
region to remain competitive in recruiting
and retaining workers,
they must continue to listen to
the needs and wants of their
To determine competition winners, employers are compared to
organizations in similar industries
and of similar size. Employers
are evaluated on eight selection
criteria, which are: (1) Workplace;
(2) Work Atmosphere & Social;
t The employee lounge at Halifaxbased digital marketing agency
VERB Interactive.